Jelly Belly Factory Tour

If you always look forward to Easter because you know that there will be lots of those delicious jelly beans, then you will be excited that at the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, California it is always the right time to grab a handful of these delicious little candy treats. Jelly Belly is known for making highly flavorful jelly beans in a wide variety of flavors. Some like very cherry, you can never get enough of. While others like buttered popcorn, you will always find me sorting these out and throwing them in the trash. If you want to go extreme then take your chances with some of the flavors from the Harry Potter collection. I have been done eating buggers for a while and don't need a jelly bean tasting like that or ear wax. The Jelly Belly factory tour is a self-guided walking tour through the upper-level balcony above the production floor. The tour costs $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for children. Kids under 2 are free. After pa...