Little Sable Point Lighthouse

Located in Silver Lake State Park, this 107-foot tall lighthouse stands tall on the sandy shores of lake Michigan. Built in 1874, the site for Little Sable Point required crews to build a dock into Lake Michigan to bring supplies, as there were no roads to the area. The red brick color makes this light unique from others along this section of the Lake Michigan coastline. The light still houses a third-order Fresnel lens manufactured in Paris, France. The lens would rotate once every five minutes as ten different bulls eyes in the lens would cause the light to flash every 30 seconds. Before electricity was available at the light, the keepers would have to wind up a 90-pound weight, suspended in the tower's walls providing the force to rotate the light. Today only the lighthouse tower stands on the beach. The keeper's house was demolished in 1958 after electricity was run to the lighthouse; the light was automated and no longer required the services of ...