Carlsbad Caverns - The Basics

Carlsbad Caverns National Park is located in the Southeast portion of New Mexico, 20 miles from the town of Carlsbad. The park has over 117 caves made in the limestone which was once an ocean reef. The caverns were formed in this area when waters rich in hydrogen sulfide mixed with rainwater to create sulfuric acid. The acid ate away the limestone and created the chambers that you are able to visit today. About four million years ago this process stopped and the cave started making formations as surface water started working its way into the cave. The formations that we see today is a result of the surface water bring minerals down and depositing them in the area. Carlsbad Cavern is the cave that most people visit and is developed for the large number of visitors the park hosts each year. The Carlsbad Cavern has 30 miles of passages surveyed and has been developed extensively for visitors. The great room that you visit is 8.2 acres in size...