Moomers Ice Cream - Traverse City, MI

Moomers Ice Cream is a pretty famous ice cream shop near Traverse City, Michigan. Moomers is all about the experience which makes this a unique stop on your road trip as much as the ice cream. Started in 1998 on land adjacent to the family dairy farm that provides the milk for their ice cream, Moomers grew in fame on May 28, 2008 when viewers voted on Good Morning America as the nation's best spot to get ice cream. Moomers makes 160 different flavors of ice cream and is still a hot spot today. The founder Nancy Plummer was driven by " The hope was to provide a unique premium product in a country atmosphere, to share the world of agriculture with others, employ local young adults, and provide a family oriented place to enjoy with family and friends." This is exactly what they have done. The popularity of Moomers is still strong today and they are still serving great ice cream. As you would expect there was a bit of a line when we arrived at Moomers w...