Best Place to have Super-fantastic Hawaiian BBQ in DFW

When we moved from Spokane to DFW one of the food options I missed right away was authentic Hawaiian BBQ. I am a huge fan of teriyaki chicken with steamed rice and mac salad, otherwise, know as a blue plate special. I have searched the DFW area and found three Hawaiian BBQ locations that serve authentic Hawaiian BBQ. #1 - Shaka Hawaiian BBQ Shaka Hawaiian BBQ is the newest entry on the list and takes the top spot. Located in the quickly growing community of The Colony this quick-service restaurant serves up big portions of delicious Hawaiian food. The teriyaki chicken and katsu chicken are perfectly mixed with the steamed rice and mac salad. As a family-run restaurant, they really put a lot of care into the food and the service. The chicken in lean and well seasoned. The mac salad is creamy and simple in its ingredients. The restaurant is on the side of the strip mall building so be sure to drive around the corner to find it. ...