Best Place to Drop Quarters in a Machine in Las Vegas

The best place to drop quarters into a machine in Las Vegas is not in a casino. If you want to have a great time on just a few dollars, the best place to go is the Pinball Hall of Fame . That is right, there is a Pinball Hall of Fame and all the machines are a hands-on interactive exhibit. The best thing about pinball machines over slot machines is that there is actually some skill involved in playing pinball and your skill determines your ability to win free games, not just luck. Located just east of the strip on Tropicana (driving or uber is suggested) this 10,000 square foot facility is currently filled with 260 pinball machines that you can touch and play. The machines date from the 1950s to the 1990s and yes I was able to find a number of my favorites. When you pull up outside the building and vinyl sign makes you wonder if you made the right decision for an activity compared to all the glitz of Vegas. Once you walk inside there are r...