
Showing posts with the label Garden City

Lee Richardson Zoo

 Lee Richardson Zoo, located in Garden City, Kansas is a testament to the way this community thinks about its park.  The zoo was founded in 1927 by the city and the local chapter of the Izaak Walton League in Finnup Park  It all started with two skunks that were brought in by the town police chief who happened to become the zoo superintendent.  Eventually, the zoo was named after him in 1950.  Today the zoo is a department of the city. The zoo now has over 300 native and exotic animals in large animal-enriching spaces throughout the park.  In addition to the extensive collection of animals, there are some other elements that make this zoo unique.   First, the zoo is designed as both a walk and a drive-through zoo.  If you are walking, admissions is free.  We walked the zoo and believe that is the best way to see it, but the zoo covers a lot of ground so wear your comfortable shoes.  If you choose to drive there is a $10.00 fee for d...