Elephant Seal Overlook - Point Reyes National Seashore

When you travel the end of the Point Reyes Headlands to visit the Point Reyes Lighthouse, you want to make sure to take a little extra time to head out to Elephant Seal Overlook. Drakes Bay on the south side of Point Reyes National Seashore Headlands provides a protected area for the Northern Elephant Seal to raise their young. The first breeding pair came to the area in 1981, and the population of these animals has been growing ever since. The largest number of seals can be found here from December until March, which is the birthing season, and then into the spring, the females and juveniles will be on the beach for molting. We visited in June, and there were still many elephant seals on the beach, but not like in February when there can be up to 600 animals on this section of beach. The Elephant Seal Overlook trial is a short half-mile round trip trail that takes you out to a viewpoint where you can watch these animals interact with each other. The trail is fla...