Luke's Lobster - Bethesda Maryland

7129 Bethesda Ln
Bethesda MD 20814

Cleanliness: ✮✮✮

Luke's Lobster is a seafood restaurant located in downtown Bethesda Maryland that focuses on doing high-quality seafood right.  Part of a larger sustainable seafood provider from Maine the restaurants provide you the feeling of stepping into a lobster shack along the Maine coast where you can get the freshest seafood possible.  

Luke's Seafood rolls are classic.  A classic top split but that has been buttered and grilled, then filled with the fresh seafood salad of your choice, and topped with just a sprinkle of celery salt.  

Lukes also offers a selection of local craft beer as well as some of the more common domestic beers.

The inside of Luke's is tight and is very true to a couple of lobster shacks that I have visited on the coast of Maine in my travels.  There is limited seating, with about half of the seating being bar style and half being tables. You place your order at the counter and they delivered our order to our table when it was ready.  The best seating here is outside where it is covered by the veranda for the local shopping center it is located in.   Parking was easy to find in a garage which is located in the same shopping area, on-street parking would be very difficult.


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